Our project, entirely founded and run by passionate undergraduate students under the guidance of Professor J Vybihal, and in collaboration with McGill Robotics, is dedicated to providing like-minded students with the opportunity to apply their skills to challenges beyond the standard undergraduate curriculum.
The FIRA Hurocup is an international competition featuring Olympic-style events for humanoid robots. We aim to compete in 2025, requiring our team to develop the mechanical, electrical, and software components of a robot capable of autonomously maintaining balance, walking, running, jumping, climbing, comprehending its surroundings, and making informed decisions.
In January 2024, the Humanoid project officially started under the supervision of Prof. J. Vybihal at the Prometheus A.I. Lab with ten active members, four of whom are making this project the subject of their Undergraduate Engineering Capstone Project, and one who is working on the project as part of a research course.
By September 2024 the team aims to have completed the entire mechanical and electrical design, as well as all of the non-RL software systems. A capstone project involving the mechanical design potentially begins, and the research course involving the mechanical design of the legs ends.
In December 2024, the Capstone Project encompassing the Software and Electrical systems finishes. The robot should be able to balance and walk entirely autonomously, using RL and ROS.
By Summer of 2025, the robot should be able to successfully compete in the "Sprint" challenge of FIRA Hurocup. It must use SLAM, RL, and object detection to autonomously sprint forwards as fast as possible, stop at a line, turn around 180 degrees, and finish the race walking backwards.
By the end of Summer 2025, our newest members should be ready to continue this project while the upper year members graduate. These members will be recruited throughout 2024-2025, and will be trained to understand the different sub-systems of the humanoid robot. We'll also hopefully have been successful at Hurocup 2025.